Source code for epochs.configparser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Module defining parsers. The ``ConfigParser`` is an extended
``configparser`` that can use a specification file to define types/default
values for the config files options, as well as to validate the file against.
The ``EpochParser`` is a parser which organizes options by date. An option
value is found by matching the option in the section with the latest datetime
before the given datetime."""

import collections
import configparser
import datetime
import io
import re
from typing import List, TypeVar, TextIO

import dateutil.parser

OptionValue = TypeVar(
    "OptionValue", bool, float, int, str, List[bool], List[float], List[int], List[str]
DateValue = TypeVar("DateValue", str, datetime.datetime)
FileType = TypeVar("FileType", str, TextIO)

OptionSpec = collections.namedtuple("OptionSpec", "required type default list")
OptionSpec.__doc__ = """Specification for an option"""

TYPES = {"bool": bool, "boolean": bool, "float": float, "int": int, "str": str}

identifier_re = re.compile('[^,="]')
whitespace_re = re.compile("\s")
listtypes_re = re.compile("List\[(.*)\]")

def _parse_specline_tokens(specline: str) -> OptionSpec:
    """Generator to tokenize spec line

    specline : str
        spec line to tokenize

    identifier = ""
    in_quote = False
    for c in specline:
        if c == '"':
            if in_quote:
                yield identifier
                identifier = ""
                in_quote = False
                in_quote = True
            if in_quote:
                identifier += c
                if whitespace_re.match(c) and identifier == "":
                if identifier_re.match(c):
                    identifier += c
                elif c in {"=", ","}:
                    if identifier != "":
                        yield identifier
                        identifier = ""
                    yield c
                elif whitespace_re.match(c):
                    if identifier != "":
                        yield identifier
                        identifier = ""
                    # invalid token
                    raise ValueError(f"invalid token {c}")

    if identifier != "":
        yield identifier

def _parse_list(list_expr):
    list_expr = list_expr.strip()
    if list_expr[0] != "[" or list_expr[-1] != "]":
        raise ValueError(f'invalid list expr "{list_expr}"')
    list_expr = list_expr[1:-1]
    return list_expr.split(", ")

def _str2type(s: str) -> OptionValue:
    """Convert a string type specification to the actual type

    s : str
        string specification of a type

    if s.lower() in set(TYPES):
        return TYPES[s.lower()]
        raise ValueError(f"invalid type: {s}")

def _convert(value: str, type_value: type, is_list: bool = False) -> OptionValue:
    """Convert a value to a given type

    value : str
        value to convert
    type_value : type
        type to convert `value` to
    is_list : bool
        whether ``value`` is a list or just a scalar

    scalar or List with same type as type_value
    if is_list:
        return [_convert(v, type_value, False) for v in _parse_list(value) if v != ""]
        if type_value == bool:
            if value.lower() in {"yes", "true", "1"}:
                return True
            elif value.lower() in {"no", "false", "0"}:
                return False
                raise ValueError(f'invalid value "{value}" for bool type')
            return type_value(value)

def _parse_specline(specline: str) -> OptionSpec:
    """Parse a spec line

    specline : str
        spec line to parse

        fields required, type, default, and list
    tokens = _parse_specline_tokens(specline)

    # default attributes
    required = False
    type_value = str
    default = None
    is_list = False

        while True:
            attr_name = next(tokens)
            next(tokens)  # equals sign
            attr_value = next(tokens)

            # handle attribute
            if attr_name.lower() == "required":
                required = _convert(attr_value, bool, False)
            elif attr_name.lower() == "type":
                m = listtypes_re.match(attr_value)
                if m:
                    type_value = _str2type(m[1])
                    is_list = True
                    type_value = _str2type(attr_value)
            elif attr_name.lower() == "default":
                default = attr_value
                raise ValueError(f"invalid attribute {attr_name}")

            next(tokens)  # comma
    except StopIteration:

    # convert default value to spec type
    if default is not None:
        default = _convert(default, type_value, is_list)

    return OptionSpec(required=required, type=type_value, default=default, list=is_list)

[docs] class ConfigParser(configparser.ConfigParser): """ConfigParser subclass which can verify a config file against a specification and uses types/defaults from the specification. """ def __init__(self, spec_filename: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: """Create a ConfigParser object spec_filename : str file to use as a specification """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.spec_filename = spec_filename if spec_filename is None: self.specification = None else: self.specification = configparser.ConfigParser()
[docs] def get( self, section: str, option: str, raw: bool = False, use_spec: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> OptionValue: """Get an option using the type and default from the specification file Parameters ---------- section : str section name option : str option name raw : bool set to True to not interpolate use_spec : bool set to False to not use the specification """ if self.specification is None or use_spec is False: return super().get(section, option, raw=raw, **kwargs) specline = self.specification.get(section, option) spec = _parse_specline(specline) if not super().has_option(section, option): return spec.default value = super().get(section, option, raw=raw, **kwargs) return value if raw else _convert(value, spec.type, spec.list)
def _write(self, fileobject: TextIO) -> None: """Write the configuration to a file-like object Parameters ---------- fileobject : TextIO file-like object to write to """ cp = self.specification if self.specification is not None else self max_len = 0 for s in cp.sections(): for o in cp.options(s): max_len = max(max_len, len(o)) new_line = "\n" first_section = True for s in cp.sections(): new_line = "" if first_section else "\n" fileobject.write(f"{new_line}[{s}]\n") first_section = False for o in cp.options(s): v = self.get(s, o) fileobject.write(f"{o:{max_len}s} = {v}\n")
[docs] def write(self, file: FileType, space_around_delimiters: bool = True) -> None: """Write config file to a file-like object Parameters ---------- file : FileType file-like object to write to space_around_delimiters : bool whether to put spaces around the delimiter, i.e., ":" or "=" """ if isinstance(file, str): with open(file, "w") as f: self._write(f) else: self._write(file)
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of config file""" return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.spec_filename}")' def __str__(self) -> str: """Config file as a string""" f = io.StringIO() self._write(f) return
[docs] def is_valid(self, allow_extra_options: bool = False) -> bool: """Verify that the ``ConfigParser`` matches the specification. A ``ConfigParser`` without a spec is automatically valid. """ if self.specification is None: return True # check that every option given by f is in specification if not allow_extra_options: for s in self.sections(): for o in self.options(s): if self.has_option("DEFAULT", o): continue if not self.specification.has_option(s, o): print(f"section={s}, option={o}") return False # check that all options without a default value are given by f for s in self.specification.sections(): for o in self.specification.options(s): if self.specification.has_option("DEFAULT", o): continue specline = self.specification.get(s, o) spec = _parse_specline(specline) if spec.required and not self.has_option(s, o): return False # TODO: make sure values are the correct type? return True
[docs] class EpochConfigParser: """EpochConfigParser parses config files with dates as section name. Retrieving an option for a given date returns the option value on the date closest, but before, the given date. """ def __init__(self, spec_filename: str = None, **kwargs) -> None: self.spec = ConfigParser(spec_filename, **kwargs) self.config = ConfigParser(**kwargs) self._date = None self._formats = None @property def date(self): return self._date @date.setter def date(self, date: DateValue): """ Parameters ---------- date : DateValue date as a string or ``datetime.datetime`` """ self._date = self._parse_datetime(date) def _parse_datetime(self, d: DateValue) -> datetime.datetime: if isinstance(d, datetime.datetime): return d else: if self._formats is None: return dateutil.parser.parse(d) else: for f in self._formats: try: dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(d, f) return dt except ValueError: pass @property def formats(self): return self._formats @formats.setter def formats(self, formats: List[str]): """ Parameters ---------- formats : List[str] formats to use for parsing dates via ``datetime.datetime.strptime`` """ self._formats = formats
[docs] def read(self, files): """Attempt to read and parse an iterable of filenames, returning a list of filenames which were successfully parsed. """ return
[docs] def get( self, option: str, date: DateValue = None, raw: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> OptionValue: """Get an option using the type and default from the specification file Parameters ---------- option : str option name date : FileValue date as a string or ``datetime.datetime`` raw : bool set to True is disable interpolation """ dt = self._date if date is None else self._parse_datetime(date) if dt is None: raise KeyError("no date for access given") specs = { k: _parse_specline(v) for k, v in self.spec.specification.defaults().items() } epoch_names = self.config.sections() epoch_dts = [self._parse_datetime(s) for s in epoch_names] sorted_epoch_dts = sorted(zip(epoch_dts, epoch_names), key=lambda x: x[0]) value = specs[option].default for e_dt, e_name in sorted_epoch_dts: if e_dt <= dt and self.config.has_option(e_name, option): value = _convert( self.config.get(e_name, option), specs[option].type, specs[option].list, ) return value
def _write(self, fileobject: TextIO) -> None: """Write the configuration to a file-like object Parameters ---------- fileobject : TextIO file-like object to write to """ self.config.write(fileobject)
[docs] def write(self, file: FileType, space_around_delimiters: bool = True) -> None: """Write config file to a file-like object Parameters ---------- file : FileType file-like object to write to space_around_delimiters : bool whether to put spaces around the delimiter, i.e., ":" or "=" """ if isinstance(file, str): with open(file, "w") as f: self._write(f, space_around_delimiters=space_around_delimiters) else: self._write(file, space_around_delimiters=space_around_delimiters)
def __repr__(self) -> str: """Representation of config file""" return f'{self.__class__.__name__}("{self.spec.spec_filename}")' def __str__(self) -> str: """Config file as a string""" f = io.StringIO() self._write(f) return
[docs] def is_valid(self, allow_extra_options: bool = False) -> bool: """Verify that the `EpochParser` matches the specification. A `configparser` without a spec is automatically valid. """ if self.spec is None: return True # check to make sure sections are dates for s in self.config.sections(): try: dateutil.parser.parse(s) except ValueError: return False # check options are in spec if not allow_extra_options: for s in self.config.sections(): for o in self.config.options(s): if not self.spec.has_option("DEFAULT", o): return False return True